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About us

A baby bath is a necessity for every parent, so choosing the right bath is important. Therefore, in our store, we take care to provide only excellent baby baths. We have a wide range of products, from traditional plastic baby bathtubs to modern and elegant wooden bathtubs. Regardless of your choice, you can rest assured that all of our products are designed with safety in mind and designed to make bathing easier and more enjoyable for babies and parents. Our assortment includes various sizes for newborns and toddlers, as well as various colors that will suit any interior of a children's room. We also have additional products such as bath chairs, sponges, towels and other accessories to make bathing your child even more enjoyable.

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Our address

United Kingdom London 12 Radcheka St




+44 55 04 42 416

Main address: Radcheka St 12 43330 United Kingdom London
Tel:+44 55 04 42 416, E-mail: contact-us@pokupalku.com


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